Version 116.42 - May 20 2005 -------------------------------- o Change to datadirect parsing to allow for channel id's without mapping to a real channel (Datadirect listings bug). Version 116.41 - December 09 2004 -------------------------------- o Fixed datadirect parsing to accomodate slight change in format. Version 116.40 - October 21 2004 -------------------------------- o Fixed bug related to wrong padding of recurring manual recordings. Version 116.39 - July 22 2004 ----------------------------- o Fixed bug where recurring channels with no matches were being flagged even though there were some at-or-around matches for that channel. At-or-around matches were not being considered as matches for the channel in that check, now they are. Version 116.38 - July 15 2004 ----------------------------- o By request an enhancement has been made for the --missing option. If the first character in the list of channels following the --missing option is a '!' character then the logic for which channels to flag is inverted. i.e. if the first character is a '!' then this means to flag all channels except the ones given in the comma-delimeted list. This avoids having to specify a very long list of channels to flag when all you want to do is flag most channels and just exclude a few. Note that you can also use the config file 'htmlMissingChannels:' keyword to provide the list instead of the command-line --missing option. o Added new config file control: htmlDontFlagMissingRepeats (uncomment in sample config file to enable) When flagging potential missed recordings don't flag re-runs. This is very useful if you only want to flag first-run shows that you may be missing and don't care about re-runs. Version 116.36 - July 9 2004 ---------------------------- o Added new check (when --missing option is enabled) to check for recurring record channels with no matching shows. This is very useful to catch changes in recurring show titles in the schedule that make the RTV miss recording them because of the name change. This also helps identify channels on your RTVs that are no longer needed since the show is no longer airing. These channels are listed in the html output under the default title (can be changed) of: "Recurring Record Channels with no Matches" o Algorithm for identifying recurring channel matches was adjusted for exact title match. Previously certain keywords such as "a" "the" were being ignored, but I found new evidence that the titles have to be exact matches in order for the RTV to record them for recurring channels. Version 116.35 - June 9 2004 ---------------------------- o Added checking of tv listings file syntax for XMLTV & DataDirect formats. If certain keywords in the file are not detected the program now generates an error and aborts. Version 116.34 - June 8 2004 ---------------------------- o Fixed issue with "Uncategorized" recorded shows not being reported when using --recorded option to get listings of recorded shows. o When using --asciidump & --bindump options to dump ascii & binary channel guides the files have been renamed to replace '.' & ':' with '_' for compatibility with different OS behavior. Some Windows OS flavors don't like file names with multiple '.' & ':' characters. Version 116.33 - May 17 2004 ---------------------------- o Added "--notodo" command line option which indicates not to generate an output html/xml recording schedule containing todo list. This is useful primarily when using the "--recorded" option to get a list of already recorded shows. Version 116.31 - May 10 2004 ---------------------------- o Update to XML output for Personal Replay Guide to include channel ID in order to enable setting of channel priority. o Compute proper stop time for manual record matches so that conflict resolution involving manual record matches is correct. Version 116.30 - April 5th 2004 ------------------------------- o At-or-around matching fix. o Fixed problem with channel guide parser (version not using temporary files) where the latest channel added would get the wrong show title. Version 116.29 - March 30th 2004 -------------------------------- o Fixed problem on Linux platform related to daylight savings time. Version 116.28 - March 26th 2004 -------------------------------- o Added support for xmltv tv_grab_na_dd listings parsing which has slightly different syntax than tv_grab_na (title/sub-title/description have lang=) Version 116.26 - March 16th 2004 -------------------------------- o Added new command-line option "--mapFile file" that allows user to specify a specific file containing channel mapping information (see README.txt). Version 116.25 - March 8th 2004 ------------------------------- o Added support for parsing XML listings from DataDirect. Use the --dd command-line option to indicate the schedule listings are in DataDirect format instead of XMLTV format. Version 116.24 - February 26th 2004 ----------------------------------- o Added htmlMissingShowIgnore option to replaySchedule.conf to allow specifying list of shows names to ignore when compiling list of potentially missed recordings when using "--missing" flag. This is to specifically deal with shows that are known to always have repeat showings such as The Tonight Show With Jay Leno. Version 116.23 - November 3rd 2003 ----------------------------------- o Change to avoid use of temp files for normal run for use with Personal Replay Guide. Use of temp files is still possible using the --bindump and --asciidump dump options. Version 116.21 - October 6th 2003 ----------------------------------- o Fix to show duplicate recordings on different RTVs for multiple IP runs. Version 116.20 - September 29th 2003 ------------------------------------ o Fixes to recorded shows parsing - previous parser was missing some recorded shows. Phil Van Baren fixes: o Fix to at or around tests. o Fix to 5.x priority logic. Version 116.18 - September 23rd 2003 ------------------------------------ Fixes courtesy of Phil Van Baren: o Added "priority boost" detection for show conflicts for 5.0 software. This handles user choice for the case where a schedule conflict exists and user specified which show to record. o Bug fix for convoluted priority resolution involving both a theme and show-based match for a single show. In certain cases a show assumed the priority of a theme-based match and would lose in conflicts where it should have won. Version 116.16 - August 21st 2003 --------------------------------- o Include both tmsid and channel name in XML output to work properly with PRG. Version 116.15 - August 11th 2003 --------------------------------- o Fix to 24-hour wrapping code - potentially missed shows at or around midnight. Version 116.12 - August 3rd 2003 -------------------------------- o Conflicting "At or Around" matches now get less priority than exact matches. Version 116.7 - July 30th 2003 ------------------------------- o Conflict resolution scheme for 5.0 software implemented. The program now distinguishes between 5.0 and earlier versions and conflict resolution is implemented accordingly. o Added "--recorded file" option that allows you to output listings of already recorded shows by your RTV(s). The output goes to the specified file on the command line in html format and is organized by category names. Version 116.4 - July 27th 2003 ------------------------------- o Added back in --bindump and --asciidump options to control where the temporary binary & ascii dump files are created. o Added support for and fields in xml listings (tv_imdb data), and Theme searches account for this extra data when relevant. Version 116.2 - July 27th 2003 ------------------------------- o Added new command line flag "--missing". This enables extra checks to look for programs whose titles and channel names match those of a Recurring Channel. Any such programs that will not be recorded by the RTV are listed at the bottom of the html output as potential recordings that you will be missing and may want to setup recordings for. This is useful especially for programs that move around a lot in their scheduling. Using this option I have been able to discover many programs I would otherwise have missed. o Added ability to generate to-do lists for multiple RTVs at once (using multiple --ip arguments). A single html file is generated listing matches for all the RTVs. You can also combine this with the feature described above to generate a true listing of shows you may be missing (i.e. not scheduled to be recorded on any of your RTVs). o Added "replayMap:" options in the config file to allow you to give names to your RTV IPs. The html output will then use these more friendly names in place of the IP numbers. o Single record channels that do not show up in program listings in their alloted time (because they may have been bumped or moved) are now flagged and listed in the html output. Version 115.25 - July 24th 2003 ------------------------------- o Fixed bug related to "At or Around" matches that was preventing other exact matches from being identified. o Added [RA] tag to more easily identify recurring matches that were matched using "At or Around" logic (i.e. matched shows airing at a time different than the Replay Recurring Channel time). Version 115.23 - July 22nd 2003 ------------------------------- o Added channel type tags in html output to identify for each match displayed what type of channel the match belongs to: [S] => Single record channel [R] => Recurring record channel [T] => Theme channel o Added --notheme option which directs the program to leave out any theme-based matches in the html/xml output. This can help reduce the clutter of shows displayed for an RTV setup with a lot of themes that you don't care about. Version 115.19 - July 17th 2003 ------------------------------- o Added configuration control file to allow changing color scheme used in html output. Version 115.16 - July 16th 2003 ------------------------------- o Enable conflict detection for all manual records added by Phil. o Fix to Theme keyword check and white space wrap. o Print version info to stderr when run. Version 115.11 - July 15th 2003 ------------------------------- o Fixed memory allocation problem for category names with spaces. This was causing segmentation violations on windows platforms. o Phil Van Baren added some extra checks for single recordings with no schedule matches to flag potential single recordings that have changed schedule. Currently this information goes to stdout only. o Further memory freeing cleanup. Version 115.8 - July 14th 2003 ------------------------------ o Fixed segmentation violation problem due to inadequately reallocated memory. Version 115.7 - July 12th 2003 ------------------------------ o Fix to recurring channel check for single recording/day. o Added computations of missing XMLTV programme stop times. o Added support for XMLTV tv_grab_na version 0.5.15. o Overhauled algorithm for recurring show matches to better process "at or around" concept. o Info messages changed to go to stderr. o Added --quiet option to avoid printing info messages. o Changes to xml output. Version 1.14 - June 25th 2003 ------------------------------ o Added support for new XMLTV tv_grab_na version 0.5.14. NOTE: tv_grab_na no longer works in older versions of xmltv, so you will need to upgrade to 0.5.14. o Support for multiple input xml schedules added (use --schedule multiple times). o Added --xml command line option that can be used to create an output xml file with matched shows (in addition to html file generated). This file can then be used with Lee Thompson's ReplayGuide. (implemented by Philip Van Baren). o Fixed IP 15 character limitation - one can also now specify port to use if desired and different than 80. o Arrays for command line inputs no longer static to allow for string lengths longer than the default values. o Memory allocation/leaks cleaned up (many thanks to Philip Van Baren). o Added version info to --help. Version 1.13 - June 9th 2003 ------------------------------- o Added (Repeat) after program title in html file for programs that are repeats. o Added FirstRun channel checks versus repeat programs for "Recurring" channels (5.0 software). o Improvements to "Recurring" channel->program matches (eliminate some false matches - better channel title versus show title checking). o Added PartialTitle/ExactTitle theme search option support. o Added weekday for easier readability in the html schedule. Version 1.12 - May 25th 2003 ------------------------------- o Updated to work with 5.0 software for the 5K series. Version 1.11 - March 29th 2003 ------------------------------- o Updated to work with xmltv 0.5.8 which does not include stop time for last program of a channel listing in schedule.xml file. Version 1.10 - January 8th 2003 ------------------------------- o Theme channel search updated to be more like the screwy Replay way of doing keyword searches. Version 1.8 - December 4th 2002 ------------------------------- o Added support for manual recurring channels. o Fixes to ascii guide parser to properly read title for recurring channels (previous version sometimes missed these channels because title was not right). Version 1.7 - November 5th 2002 ------------------------------- There was an issue related to TZ environment variable setting that would cause problems for some users resulting in the wrong times being extracted for the Replay channels and therefore the schedule generator missing most of the shows to be recorded. This has been fixed in the Perl and the C version of the code (by unsetting the TZ variable in the code before running). For "Theme" based channels, changed to more closely match the algorithm that ReplayTV uses to determine what programs to record. The previous algorithm resulted in too many matches compared to what Replay would really consider a match. Ported the Perl code to C and now release a win32 executable along with the Perl script. Please note this executable is not as well tested as the Perl code and WILL NOT WORK WITH 5000 SERIES (yet).